Retreats & Wisdom Circles
Taking The Time For Soul ~ Shared Wisdom Circles for Women
6 Week Series Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesdays from 6:30-9pm.
2023 Circles are full & closed. Stay in touch for 2024 dates.
Contribution: $300. $50 deposit to reserve your space.
Contact Evelyn for Youth, Senior & need-based payment options.
The true meaning of sisterhood is a powerful force to have in our lives, it connects us to a deep well of wisdom and inspiration. You are invited to join me and a small circle of women for a series on tending to the Soul.
Using Ceremony, Ritual, and the Divine Feminine Teachings as our map we will travel paths long-neglected and forgotten in our busy, contemporary world. Paths that lead us to reclaim and remember the journey of the Soul.
Ceremony, Ritual, and Sacred Symbols have been used for thousands of years to invoke and communicate with the Mystery, it awakens our personal power and brings a deeper meaning to our lives. Sharing our wisdom we will cultivate a deeper connection to nature while learning to keep our minds and hearts open. During this series, you will have plenty of time to listen more deeply and be guided by your own spirit, inner body wisdom, and knowing We will dive into our inner wisdom and support each other to reclaim and weave the mystery and magic back into everyday life.
Working with Plants as Allies: A Weekend Retreat for Women
Location: The Garden Of Many Blessings, Soquel CA
Dates: email Evelyn for future dates.
Arrival time is 11 am on Saturday. Retreat concludes at 4 pm on Sunday.
$50 deposit reserves your space. Commuter: $300, Stay on-site: $400
On-site accommodations include cushions in yurt or tent camping and all meals. Location and details will be sent upon registration.
Limited to 8 women.
All our medicines come from plants. Most of our food comes from plants. The beauty around us comes from plants. It is a magical world to enter the realm of plants, trees, and flowers. In this weekend retreat we will spend time with the plants in the garden, we will look at them, draw them, write about them, ingest them and do Ceremony with them. There are many ways to work with plant medicine, during our weekend together we will drink teas, work with essential oils, flower essences, and the plants themselves.
The purpose of the weekend is to just unwind, relax, disconnect and reconnect to the natural world. The weekend will include a ritual bathing, delicious fresh foods from the farmer market, mixing and creating healing potions, journeying to the plant world, and just sitting with plants. A restorative, rejuvenating, relaxing weekend for women to just be and play and co create with Nature. Weekend includes a Ritual Bathing.