Ritual Bathing
From 7-9:30pm in Soquel, CA (5 min. south of Santa Cruz.)
$60. Limited to 6 women.
This event is by invitation only. If you would like an invitation please call Evelyn at 831-239-2085 or email evelyn@evelynhall.org.
All Ritual Bathings are currently full. Please email me to be put on the waiting list.
*Groups of 6 women may request a Ritual Bathing for any important event in their lives or to set a meaningful and fun way to connect with your circle of women. Email me or call for more info.
Ritual bathing is a deeply relaxing and spiritual experience. It calls to our ancient roots of women bathing together under the moon. The Ceremony begins with lighting a candle of intention/prayer for the Ceremony. The bathing consists of three rounds in the the sauna (body/mind/soul). In the sauna we chant, sing and send blessings with every pour on the hot stones and every drop of sweat. In between we enjoy a refreshing cold shower and rest in the hot tub or just sit under the moon. We nourish and renew the whole self with healing salt and sugar scrubs, hair oil and conditioner, all made from natural ingredients with pure essential oils. We drink healing waters with herbs and flower essences that help us to release what needs to be released and cleanse from the inside out. Ritual Bathing is a time for you to relax, focus on your own self care and allow the Soul to shine through, all in sacred time, in a safe place, in the company of supportive women.